All products are pre-checked for quality and defects before they are shipped. In spite of our best efforts, if you find the product delivered is damaged or if its a misfit kindly email the customer care for Return procedure within 48 hours of delivery. The decision to accept returns rests solely with the Mithila team. Once the products are shipped no returns will be accepted unless the above mentioned details stand true. Once your return has been authorized, we'd be happy to process your refund.

The photos of all products are taken under natural lighting conditions, and we make the best possible effort to represent the exact product color. But sometimes the colors may vary slightly from the actual product. Please ensure that sarees are returned in original condition and packaging in order to get your full credit. Kindly note that this is a non-negotiable policy. Once team Mithila decides to accept the request, It shall take a week’s time to refund or exchange and this is subject to the product availability.

For any other questions or clarifications, please reach out to the Mithila Care team at